Monday, September 8, 2014

MCM: Billie Jo Hardin- Keller

        If I could describe Billie Jo in one word it would be "determined".  When I first met Billie Jo years ago, it was love at first conversation.  She and I would talk about our dreams and aspirations while I sat in her chair and she would work magic on my hair.  She told me then she wanted to travel the world and one day own her own salon and spa.  Well, those dreams are now a reality.  She is one of the most well traveled people I know, and is now the owner of one of the most beautiful salon &spas I have ever seen "Dolce Vita Salon & Spa."   This amazing women runs a business and still finds quality time to spend with her husband Nelson and her two beautiful daughters, Peyton and Jordan.

Q:What inspires you in everyday life?

  "Every morning I wake up, I make the choice to have a super duper day or a mediocre type of day.  I feel like I have so much to be thankful for. Let me start by saying I have all my limbs, I can see, smell, and hear, yes my “hair” could be thicker and I prefer not to walk out of the house au natural, but overall I have the essentials. Having a career I love, a great husband and two beautiful girls. I have learned to accept that a messy house, dishes, and laundry make up all the things that seem so stressful are actually a part of the life that makes me the happiest! 

Life is too short to get caught up on things that won’t matter in 20 years, 6 months, or in 2 days. The moment I am home and hear the kids laughing is the moment I am inspired in a million different ways to stay active, work hard, set examples, and kiss and hug my family as much as I possibly can. For in the end, that IS what you are left with, Family."
Photo Credit: Sara Harris Photography

Check out Dolce Vita Salon and Spa


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