
Monday, September 15, 2014

Mom Crush Monday - Tami Farrell

     Our Mom Crush Monday is dedicated to former Miss Teen USA/Miss California, and current Director/Writer/Producer, Tami Farrell. She is more than just a stunning Beauty Queen, and anyone who has come in contact with her will tell you that she is one of the most BEAUTIFUL souls they have ever met. Three facts about Tami that will inspire you. One, she has helped raise over 21 million dollars for charity when she was Miss Teen USA. That money went to various charities; however one charity that she was most inspired by was Sparrow Club. It is a charity that encourages kids to help kids with medical needs. They believe that kids will do heroic things when given heroic things to do. Two, Tami and her husband Buddy, own a production company called Blue Canoe Productions.  Three, she had a cancer scare in 2008 and had to have half of her thyroid removed.  If you think that any of this would slow her down...think again!

What motivates you to be a good mother?
When I was pregnant I realized I was given a very special gift. For once in my life God was trusting me to be apart of one of His miracles. He grew a beautiful, happy, healthy little boy inside me and has trusted my husband and I to help mold him into the person God created him to be. The moment I first saw Tucker I was overwhelmed with a love so intense that I had never experienced anything like it before. Everyday I fall more in love. God trusted me with this precious, happy, little giggle box and waking up every morning to his smiling face motivates me to be a good Mother. His heart, joy and playful spirit are a constant reminder of Gods love. I'm motivated by Gods grace. I was praying one day and thanking God for my son. I said to Him, "I love this boy with every part of me". In my heart I felt God say, "As much as you love your son, imagine now the kind of love I have for you my child".

What's the hardest part about being a mother?
The hardest part about being a Mom is living with your heart outside of your body. I never want him to hurt. I worry about him when I'm away from him. I miss him when I'm not with him. I think about all the what ifs. I use to be more impulsive but my thoughts are always now about how whatever I do will affect him.
On a lighter note, I hate being late and loading up a baby is a comical, all hands on deck kind of event. I've quickly learned I'm on his schedule and not my own. He doesn't care if I have a meeting across town or a last minute audition. If he wants the boob he gets the boob. :)

What inspires you to persevere in Hollywood?
I have always been a dreamer. When I was a little girl I'd roll out a sock and have my Barbie walk the redcarpet. When I'd hear a song on the radio I'd create a music video in my head. On road trips I'd watch people and create their story or stare into an open field and imagine the opening of a movie. I think that God puts dreams and desires in our hearts for a purpose. They are a roadmap to our life. I have always followed my heart and it has gotten me this far. I don't know what Gods plans are for me in this town but I am trusting him in this journey. When I write, direct, produce, host and act I feel at home. I think if you can live each day with joy you are where you need to be. My husband and I have struggled in the industry for almost ten years and are now seeing the fruits of our labor. We started a production company Blue Canoe Productions last year and have been blessed with amazing opportunities. Some months we lived on a dream and a prayer but God always provided. Now that we are parents we want to fulfill our dreams so we can give Tucker his.

Please click here to check out Tami's Production Company, Blue Canoe Productions.


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