
Friday, August 15, 2014

Working Mom vs. Stay at Home Mom

I recently got a side job doing commercial photography/videography that I absolutely love!  As I am taking a shower getting ready for my first day back on the job site my son Truitt decided to pull a "Magic Mike"and take all of his clothes off along with his poopy diaper.  By the time I got out of the shower there was poop smeared all over him, the pack and play and over the entire wall of my living room. I was calm on the outside but on the inside I was thinking holy %*&$.  Needless to say, when the sitter arrived I ran out the door faster than a lightning bolt  in excitement !  I  don't believe this makes anyone a bad mom to enjoy an activity outside of their children. In fact, I personally believe at the end of the day it makes me a better mom. I have an activity besides raising my children that makes me extremely satisfied .  When I get home to them I am beyond excited to hold them in my arms. Children are not a distraction from more important work; they are the most important work.  Me feeling happy and satisfied outside of my home makes me want to be a better mom and example to my children.  I personally believe its not the quantity of time you spend with your children; its the quality. Whether its getting a part time job or taking a photography or kick boxing class once a week, I think its important for mothers to have an activity that is just about them.  It saddens me to see the amount of judgement from both working mothers and stay at home mothers towards each other. Whether you are a working mom or a stay at home mom you have an EXTREMELY difficult job.  We should unite and  be strong and supportive of one another. The great controversy of working mom vs stay home moms is unnecessary because face it ladies at the end of the day we are all  hustlers with the same goal, and that goal is to make a great life and future for our children.  



1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you that both working moms and stay at home moms shouldn't compete with each other, and shouldn't have to feel judged. After all, women have the right to choose how to provide for their family as well. Plus, if a woman is comfortable with being both a nurturer and a provider, then that should be okay. In any way, thanks for sharing that, Tacey! I wish you all the best! :)

    Waylon Grimm @ All Force Labour Solutions
