Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Beautiful Body Project- The Bodies of Mothers

I stumbled across A Beautiful Body Project which is the work of photographer Jade Beall and felt so empowered by her perception of beauty, and we praise her un-photoshopped photography of mommies around the world.  "Jade's dream is to inspire future generations of women to be free from the unnecessary self-suffering and embrace their beauty just as they are."  In her work she shows every curve, smile line and stretch mark of her subject to help tell their beautiful story of motherhood.  She helps woman wear her stripes like the badge of honor that they are and WE LOVE EVERY LAST BIT OF IT!  I hope her work opens your eyes to the natural beauty that we all posses and learn how good it feels to walk confidently in the skin you're in!  "I have come to drag you out of yourself, and take you in my heart. I have come to bring out the beauty you never knew you had and lift you like a prayer to the sky” ~Rumi. You can check out more of Jade's work at

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