Monday, December 1, 2014

5 Essentials for the breast feeding Mommy

The Boppy Pillow
This helps hold your baby while you're breastfeeding.  I couldn't use it for the first couple of weeks because my stomach was more of a ski slop, but after that this pillow became my best friend.
Tip: Get a pillow that matches your bedroom so you can just put it in with your other pillows on your bed.You can also use your Boppy to help your little one sit.

Breast feeding tank tops
These are SO much easier to wear than regular shirts because of the easy access.  Target has a great selection and I suggest getting basic colors.  I have one in white, black and gray so they match most of my clothes.

Feeding app. for your smart phone

By using this app, you can track what time and how long you feed your baby for.  This was my saving grace at 3 am feedings because I was so tired at first. 

Feed Baby-FREE

Other feeding apps: Baby Feeding Tracker by Sprout $2.99
Tip: If you don't have a smart phone you can put a hair tie on your wrist and switch it to which breast you last fed from.

Electric Breast Pump
I own a Medela Advanced Breastpump Starter Set.  Trust me on this one...HAVE IT READY!  When my milk came in I looked like Pamela Anderson in her Baywatch days (sorry, I'm not posting a pic of this one) and felt like she did the day after she married Kid Rock!  It's painful, and one of the only ways to relieve the pain is to feed your new born baby and to pump.

Through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) most insurance companies will now give you a free breast pump!   Here are the steps you need to take to get one:

1.) Get a prescription from your doctor.

2.) Call the customer service number on the back of your insurance card. 

3.) Tell them that you are (fill in the blank) weeks pregnant and you need to order your breast pump.  I ordered mine a month before I was due.  Also, make sure you know ahead of time how much they are going to cover.  Mine was 100%

4.) My insurance company then provided me with a phone number to a separate company called Edgepark.  Here is a link to their website. Edgepark

5.) Call them and order your pump.  You can look at their website before you call and decide which one you are going to order.  They will not offer any opinion, so do your research.

6.) You will have to email/mail them your doctors signed prescription, and they will send you any further paper work in the mail.

Medela hands free pumping bra
Yep!  Go right ahead and try to convince yourself that you wouldn't be caught DEAD wearing this!  Let me tell you, this bra is a game changer!  You can thank me later ;)  I purchased mine at Target for $34.99 and use it every day.  Medela Hands Free Pumping Bra

I hope this helps you ladies!  If you have any questions please feel free to email us at

Thee Inspired Mommy

Monday, November 10, 2014

Sara Harris "The Women Behind the Lens"

When you come into the presence of Sara Harris, I would say it would be almost impossible to be in a bad mood. She has a smile that could light up a very large room and her optimistic spirt is contagious. Not only is she lovely to be around, but she is one of the most talented photographers I have ever come upon. Sara's hard work and dedication to her craft has definitely paid off seeing that she currently owns two photography studios. One studio based in Yorktown, Virginia and the other in Steam Boat Springs, Colorado. Her talent & passion for her career is inspiring to everyone around her. To top it all off she is an amazing wife to her husband/best friend Brian, and dedicated to raising two upstanding gentleman, AJ and Jake. See what is in the future for the women behind the lens.
what inspires you in your everyday life?
I’m super motivated by watching folks who actively trust and pursue their "big idea" – those who recognize their fears and doubts yet stay the course. I have a notebook that says "trust your crazy ideas". To me, it's more than just following your ideas or passion; it's becoming better at what you're actively accomplishing. It’s also knowing that failures along the way are all part of the growth, and they make success that much sweeter.
What are your future goals?
Professionally, my future goal is to continue building my business, Sara Harris Photography, growing and nurturing it while remaining steadfastly focused on my personal – and primary – goal of creating a loving family. My husband and I are committed above all else to raising two outstanding wonderful boys and helping them grow into thriving adults – and letting them define happiness and success in their own terms.
What is your favorite life quote?
“Seek out people who are willing to level with you, and when you find them, hold them close.” — Ed Catmull, Creativity, Inc.

Photo Credit: Mandy Johnson, Jane Johnson, Sara Harris

For Information on Sara Harris Check out


Monday, October 27, 2014

MCM: Dinah Babcanec

    Suburban stay-at-home mom during the day, band member by night! She runs 11 miles on Sundays and has her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography. She's basically every young mom's role model, and she's MY sister. Dinah has been surrounded by music her entire life, and finally after 32 years she has faced her fears and stepped out of her comfort zone. She is an inspiration in my life and after reading this, I know she will also be one on yours.

Singing is new for you, what inspired you to step out of your comfort zone and try something new?
Really there was one big push and motivating factor and that was my brother, Dan. I have been so proud of him and his musical and academic achievements my entire life and was pretty flattered that he wanted to start making music with me. I had to try it if not for the simple fact of respect. Thankfully, from that first vocal practice together down in my basement our voices really meshed and we felt like there was enough potential to start practicing regularly. It had been a long time since I attempting something completely new that directly involved other people too. Playing in our band and learning every time I pick up my electric ukulele continues to put me a vulnerable position. Sometimes it's scary, especially my first time playing a show, but scary in the best way.


Why is it important for you to have other "mom friends" in your life?
I'm lucky to have been pregnant my first time around with my best friend. She was due with her second child just two weeks after I was due with my first. I am so blessed with good friends who are so supportive and who I can go to with any questions or just to vent. And now, I'm in the process of meeting and starting friendships with a whole new group of mom friends through my son being in kindergarten. I was so excited for him to go to school and thrive, and the community of great families that we're now a part of is such a bonus that I wasn't necessarily expecting! Being a stay-at-home mom to very young children gets lonely sometimes. Even the brief comments to another mom at the library can be a much needed human connection. It can be hard. "Mom friends" are a necessity, but so are "single friends". It's nice to go out and not talk about your kids too!

Why do you love to run?
I always think about something I heard a few years ago- It's not the running I love, it's the being done with the run that I love. That pretty much sums it up. It's a work-out that I've always been good at so why not stick with it and try to go big with it.


What inspires/motivates you to be a good mother?
My husband, my mother, my kids, my friends, my family. My mother was a great mom growing up. She taught me to sew, bake, play outside, have respect and precision, proper grammar, among others that only moms know how to do. I have wonderful childhood memories that positively effect how I raise my kids today. However, when I was about 13 years-old she moved two states away. From me, her only daughter who was at a critical age. We still saw each other fairly frequently and at the time it was actually fun to have a place to go visit. But that was just the beginning of a painful journey with her. When she passed away when I was 25 and engaged, I made the conscious choice to transition to adulthood. To "stop" being a daughter, who had been hurt by things outside of her control, and start fresh as a woman. A wife, and soon, a mom who can do everything in her power to make it a happy life. So probably my biggest day-to-day motivation is my own mother. I carried with me the good things and left behind the bad.


How do you balance your time between your family, training for marathons, spending time with friends and your band?
Being able to stay home with my kids is a big factor when it comes to fitting everything in. I'm able to manage my time more catered to what needs to be done that day or week and I'm very thankful for that. I have so much respect for full-time working moms who have their shit together. I'm pretty good at keeping a balance-mostly because I crumble under stress. I try to avoid "bad" stress at all costs. So with the help of mostly my husband and our good neighbors, I'm able to get out during the evenings for running, band practice, yoga, dinner with friends, etc. It's all vital to my sanity.  

Do you have any future goals?
The awesome thing about life is that you are never done. Same goes for playing music, running, practicing yoga, being a good mother, wife and friend- there is ALWAYS room for improvement. There is always new hope. Yesterday I mastered the unassisted headstand in yoga which felt good. It's little things like that. If you make all the little moments and decisions matter, it adds up to a good life. So sometimes my next goal is to get through the day without losing my cool, and sometimes it's a half-marathon.

Thee Inspired Mommy

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Happy Boob Month

October is Breast Cancer Awarness Month:
First of all,  take this time to recognize all the women in your life that are survivors, still fighting, or have lost the battle to breast cancer. These women should all be referred to as "LEGENDS"

Here are some random tips & factoids that may prevent breast cancer from coming your way!

Consider breast-feeding

Women who consistently breast-feed for the first 6 months have a 10% reduced risk of death from cancer, compared with those who don't, found a recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. One reason: Because a woman doesn't menstruate while breast-feeding, it limits the number of cycles she has over a lifetime, which lowers the amount of estrogen to which her body is exposed. Bottom line: There is significant data that suggests that breast-feeding lowers risk. If a mom can do it, it's worth trying. In other words, you've heard experts say that "breast is best" for babies, and now there's extra proof that it's best for moms, too.

Eat the right foods—Every Day

I know this is difficult to do as a mom on the go, however it is a must! Research continues to produce promising evidence that what you eat can affect your risk. For example, Harvard researchers recently found that women who had the highest carotenoid levels in their blood had a 19% lower risk of breast cancer than those with the lowest levels. Carotenoids are found in fruits and vegetables such as leafy greens, carrots, and red peppers. Women who consumed more carotenoids had an even lower risk of developing estrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer (which is often more aggressive). 

Trade your morning Coffee for Green Tea
We love COFFEE as well, but tea drinkers likely have the upper hand—especially when their beverage is green. New findings out of Columbia University's Medical Center suggest that when women with breast cancer take oral green tea extract and their conditions improve. Bonus! It also gives you a slimmer bod. Catechins, the antioxidants present in green tea, are pros at blasting belly fat. And studies suggest that caffeine frees fatty acids so you can burn calories (and fat) more easily.

Keep that Bod in Motion!
Grab your babies and your jogging stroller because research suggests that increased physical activity reduces overall breast-cancer risk by about 10 percent to 30 percent. All it takes is moderate exercise like a 30-minute walk five days a week to get this protective effect.More than two dozen studies have shown that women who exercise have a 30 percent to 40 percent lower risk of breast cancer than their sedentary peers. The female hormone estrogen seems to play a key role. Women with high estrogen levels in their blood have increased risk for breast cancer. Since exercise lowers blood estrogen, it helps lower a woman’s breast-cancer risk.

Trade White For Red Wine
If you already were an avid Red Wine Drinker like we are you are in luck! Regular alcohol consumption raises breast cancer risk, except for red wine, which has the opposite effect when consumed in moderation. Studies show that the chemicals in the seeds and skins of red grapes slightly reduce estrogen levels and raise testosterone among premenopausal females - thus reducing their breast cancer risk.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Milk Makin Mommas

Lactation Cookies to BOOST Your Milk Supply

If your a milk making momma and feeling low on your milk supply or need those extra calories, try these yummy lactation cookies that have worked for me.

Wet Ingredients
  • 1/2 c. butter (softened)
  • 16 oz  REAL peanut butter (not the fructose corn syrup enhanced stuff)
  • 1 1/2 c. Brown sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 T. real Maple syrup - optional (I did not add this)
  • 2 t. Vanilla
Dry Ingredients
  • 1/2 t. salt maybe 1/4 if you're using really salty butter
  • 3. T Brewer's yeast
  • 1 c. Flax seed meal (Grind the flax seeds in a coffee grinder for fresh taste.)
  • 3 1/2 c. Oats
  • 2 t. Baking Soda
  • 1 c. Dark chocolate chips (or toffee, butterscotch etc.  I used dark chocolate chips.)
  • 1 c. Almonds
Preheat oven to 350 degree F

1. Stir together butter, peanut butter and brown sugar till throughly mixed.

2. Add eggs and beat till mixed.

3. Stir in vanilla and maple syrup.

4. Add dry ingredients and mix thoroughly.

5. Use an ice cream scoop to shape cookies (because the recipe is flourless they are sticky and harder to from.). Press flat on cookie sheet before baking.

6.  Bake for 14-17 minutes (I like my cookies soft so I bake them for 14 1/2 min.)

7.  Pour yourself a glass of milk and enjoy!

*This recipe made 3 dozen cookies so instead of making them all at once I put them in plastic baggies and make 4-6 at a time.

Thank you OrganicMamaCafe for this wonderful recipe.

Thee Inspired Mommy

Monday, September 29, 2014

MCM: Carlyn Henry Menser

The quote that immediately comes to mind when I think of Carlyn Menser is: "We are Blessed to be a Blessing."  God has blessed this women with such an incredible talent & drive in the real-estate field. She goes above and beyond for her friends and clients, and uses what God blessed her with to give back to the fullest.  Caryln is a top notch real estate agent at Anchor Realty Group, a dedicated wife to Jamey, and an amazing mother to her one year old son, Wyatt.

 What inspires you in your everyday life? 
A: Improvement and challenge.  I love to get better, know more, practice and go to bed tired. 

 Do you have any future goals that you are working towards?  
A:Professionally, I am in classes right now to get my Broker's license, in hopes that one day I will open my own office. 
Family goal: I am working on being as intentional as possible when Wyatt is awake, Jamey is home and we are  three together. Little distractions just taking in the short time he will be little. 

Weird goal:I would like to decorate my house for a holiday. I am not big on stuff and never really have time to be home so my goal is that our house would be decorated this year. HA Crazy goal I know.


Monday, September 15, 2014

Mom Crush Monday - Tami Farrell

     Our Mom Crush Monday is dedicated to former Miss Teen USA/Miss California, and current Director/Writer/Producer, Tami Farrell. She is more than just a stunning Beauty Queen, and anyone who has come in contact with her will tell you that she is one of the most BEAUTIFUL souls they have ever met. Three facts about Tami that will inspire you. One, she has helped raise over 21 million dollars for charity when she was Miss Teen USA. That money went to various charities; however one charity that she was most inspired by was Sparrow Club. It is a charity that encourages kids to help kids with medical needs. They believe that kids will do heroic things when given heroic things to do. Two, Tami and her husband Buddy, own a production company called Blue Canoe Productions.  Three, she had a cancer scare in 2008 and had to have half of her thyroid removed.  If you think that any of this would slow her down...think again!

What motivates you to be a good mother?
When I was pregnant I realized I was given a very special gift. For once in my life God was trusting me to be apart of one of His miracles. He grew a beautiful, happy, healthy little boy inside me and has trusted my husband and I to help mold him into the person God created him to be. The moment I first saw Tucker I was overwhelmed with a love so intense that I had never experienced anything like it before. Everyday I fall more in love. God trusted me with this precious, happy, little giggle box and waking up every morning to his smiling face motivates me to be a good Mother. His heart, joy and playful spirit are a constant reminder of Gods love. I'm motivated by Gods grace. I was praying one day and thanking God for my son. I said to Him, "I love this boy with every part of me". In my heart I felt God say, "As much as you love your son, imagine now the kind of love I have for you my child".

What's the hardest part about being a mother?
The hardest part about being a Mom is living with your heart outside of your body. I never want him to hurt. I worry about him when I'm away from him. I miss him when I'm not with him. I think about all the what ifs. I use to be more impulsive but my thoughts are always now about how whatever I do will affect him.
On a lighter note, I hate being late and loading up a baby is a comical, all hands on deck kind of event. I've quickly learned I'm on his schedule and not my own. He doesn't care if I have a meeting across town or a last minute audition. If he wants the boob he gets the boob. :)

What inspires you to persevere in Hollywood?
I have always been a dreamer. When I was a little girl I'd roll out a sock and have my Barbie walk the redcarpet. When I'd hear a song on the radio I'd create a music video in my head. On road trips I'd watch people and create their story or stare into an open field and imagine the opening of a movie. I think that God puts dreams and desires in our hearts for a purpose. They are a roadmap to our life. I have always followed my heart and it has gotten me this far. I don't know what Gods plans are for me in this town but I am trusting him in this journey. When I write, direct, produce, host and act I feel at home. I think if you can live each day with joy you are where you need to be. My husband and I have struggled in the industry for almost ten years and are now seeing the fruits of our labor. We started a production company Blue Canoe Productions last year and have been blessed with amazing opportunities. Some months we lived on a dream and a prayer but God always provided. Now that we are parents we want to fulfill our dreams so we can give Tucker his.

Please click here to check out Tami's Production Company, Blue Canoe Productions.


Friday, September 12, 2014

Lean on me

   I recently filmed for a commercial, however I had started to loose my voice the day before the shoot from lack of sleep (little William had been waking up at 1:30, 3:30 and 5am to eat.) Thankfully, I was reminded by my dear friend of something that I too often forget..."Remember, GOD WANTS YOU TO PROSPER. You're going to do great."

  I am finally going to lay down my pride and admit it, there are days that I need to be encouraged. There are days that I haven't brushed my teeth until 1pm, my hair looks like they are in dreadlocks, my boobs are leaking through my bra, I have puke running down my back, and am running on three hours of sleep. Maybe it's because I grew up surrounded by boys that I have it engrained in my head to always "tuff it out!" Well, I'm over pretending now! I need and that extra support from my girlfriends. And possibly a strong martini from time to time! We all need to be uplifted and encouraged at some point or another, even if it's simply a hopeful text messages saying "you're doing a great job!"

     Now that I myself am a mother, I value my girls at a whole new level. They have been my saving grace and I am forever thankful for them! From buying me breastfeeding tank tops, sending me anti-nauseousness care packages from Ohio, to organizing dinners to be dropped off at our house after the baby was born. My friends have been AMAZING!  Thank you LORD for the incredible women in my life.  Thank you for surrounding me with strong and encouraging women of faith, who have reminded me on a daily basis that I am an awesome mommy.  I hope that we can continue to prosper and inspire one another on this amazing journey of motherhood.
