Thursday, May 29, 2014

"That Mom"

Okay I know I am not the only one who has been in this exact position? Eating junk food while reading a fitness magazine.  Dunkin Donuts motto is “America Runs on Dunkin” and if I keep on dunkin these donuts in my mouth I am going to be running A LOT more and be no where near where I want to be after I give birth to my twins.  Most of us know how to eat right and are constantly reading magazines on how to get where we want to be but why do we still end up in this position?   I will tell you why for me the top 2 reasons is EXCUSES and AVAILABILTY.

  What motivated me to change my bad habits was seeing the long term effects of my short term excuses.  When I found out I was pregnant with my son I had quite a few moms tell me I should just say goodbye to my body and that I am going to get frumpy.  Really encouraging right?  I had so many moms come up to me and say they used to be able to eat whatever they wanted like me and then one day BOOM everything they ate went straight to their hips and thighs.  I would be lying if I told you that did not boost my motivation.  I saw how easy it was for these beautiful moms who once had these beautiful bodies to fall into this routine of taking care of their families and their priorities shifted. Eating fast food on the go because of there daily  hectic schedules and putting healthy eating and exercise  completely off the list of priorities.  The excuses stem from how “busy” you are and that junk food is just more “available”.   I am blessed because at my present office environment all my co-workers are health nuts.  I am surrounded by fresh fruits and veggies and most of my co-workers idea of a chocolate is usually 99.9% cocoa.  I am surrounded by a healthy “lifestyle”.  A year ago when I worked on the construction site, for lunch we would always go to fast food restaurants and 7-11 for snacks on our breaks.  I  cannot begin to tell you how much better I feel and so much natural energy when I eat right.  I want to share one of my favorite smoothie recipes that I have for lunch while being pregnant and my advice to keep that donut out of your mouth? Don’t buy the donuts! Prepare healthy snacks in advanced and keep them available to you and your kids.  Am I saying don’t indulge??? ABSOLUTELY NOT! The key is to maintain and create a healthy routine and that way the indulgence will feel even better. Here is a recipe for a my favorite shake that I make 5 days a week.

Note: The Smoothie will look Green and Gross but I promise you it tastes Delicious and it has so many health benefits for you and your growing baby! I drink this instead of coffee and it gives me so much natural energy! Who doesn't want to have more energy and radiant skin? Also, Unless stained teeth is becoming a trend soon USE A STRAW! I learned the hard way that kale stains your teeth.

Tacey's Recommendations for maintaining a healthy lifestyle is to SNACK ALL DAY! 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Story Behind: Thee Inspired Mommy

Tacey Willis Hesmer was born and raised in northern Ohio and currently lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with her husband, William and yellow lab Miss Maggie Mae.  They are expecting their first son May 21st.  After high school Tacey moved to Australia through The University of The Nations in Hawaii to follow her dreams of exploring the world, studying theology, doing missionary work, and surfing. It was while she was in Australia and Malaysia doing volunteer/missionary work where she fell in love with the art of acting and decided that her next move would be to New York City to study and work on her craft at The New York Film Academy (where Tacey ad Kayleigh met) then next to Hollywood to be a working actress and model. During this time she filmed for several national commercials, television shows and independent films as well as write and illustrate children's book Ellie, Tellie and Mellie: Best Jungle Friends Forever.
After living out her dream she shortly realized that there was something missing in her heart and that was her family. This would lead her back to her back to her home state of Ohio to live close to her family again for the first time since she was 17. It was then that she would return to school for nursing and meet her husband, William in Columbus, Ohio who was at the time the goalie for The Columbus Crew. They were married in December of 2012 and they are currently living in Raleigh, North Carolina where Tacey is part of the nursing staff at Southern Dermatology and Skin Cancer.

     My Name is Kayleigh Spain and I am 27 year old project manager for a commercial construction company and soon to be mom of 3…yes 3!   I have a 1 year old son Truitt and I am due with identical twin girls at the end of June.   I love adventure and living life to the fullest. When I first found out I was pregnant with my son, so many people told me my life would be boring, fun would no longer be a part of my vocabulary and would just get fat and frumpy.  NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING TRUE! Before my son I had lived in New York City, Australia and South Africa.  I had been skydiving in West Point, Surfing in Hawaii,  & White water rafting in Africa.  My life was doing what I wanted to do whenever I wanted to do it, and I had no plans of ever settling down and having children.  In May of 2011 I met my husband, we got married December of 2012 and we are going to be a family of 5 in June of 2014. Even after all my traveling, my biggest life adventure and greatest life accomplishment began when I gave birth to my son.  I wanted to write this blog to encourage and challenge other moms that motherhood can be amazing and to challenge each other every day in a positive way.